Sunday, December 5, 2010


Holy smokes.  What a trip these past few weeks have been.  I don't even know where to I won't.  This last week was sooooo effing busy.  I hate working until 6:00pm...I feel like I have no evening left after I get home. This past weekend was our annual Christmas stroll.  My girls danced at our high school scrimmage games and at the stroll as well.  They did so well, and looked so cute in their Christmas shirts, and santa hats.  They danced to Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.  Woo hoo.

Anyways, I don't have anything really exciting to usual. 

Thanks for Reading, Charity

1 comment:

  1. Hey honey, sorry you have to work so late, that is a bummer! But summer will be here soon and the days will feel longer soon! I'm glad you had fun at the stroll, I'm sure your girls rocked!
    Miss you bunches! Jen
