Sunday, March 20, 2011


So...I have this problem.  I have a really big issue with stupid people.  Yes, yes...we all have our "stupid" moments...but I am talking about people that are just outright dumb, or continually make really dumb decisions.  Now...because I call said people on their dumbness quite frequently, Iam labled as a bitch...I don't deny their allegations but I phrase it as "low bullshit tolerance".  So...Bitch-ness be comin out...just to forewarn you haha. 

I know that you all know some dummy like this. I am lucky enough to know several dummies like this!  I just don't get it.  How can a person be so dumb?  You think..."Maybe genetics?"  but then you see their family and no...that aint it.  Where does it come from?  Is it some sort of "disease"?  Is it just really severe immaturity in some cases? WHAT WHAT WHAT?????  Maybe I should become a scientist and study idiots for a living....there are plenty of them out there to keep me busy!

"Jeez, Charity, where did this come from?" you might ask.  Well...I have just recently found myself drowning in a sea of dumbass recently...and it's starting to get on my nerves!  I need to learn to ignore this behavior I think otherwise I may injur someone. 

I know that everyone has their quirks and I don't always know what their journey has been about.  I am really just REALLY curious about what makes people like this...or what makes people like they are period I guess.    I just need to breathe and relax.  And maybe learn to bite my tongue more often. 

Thanks for Reading, Charity

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