Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Fall is definately in the air...I can feel it...and am seeing the first signs of it. We had yellow leaves on our deck the other day. Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons. Fall, because of the cool air, the bright colors, and small town football. Spring becuase of the "fresh start" feeling it gives...things seeming lifeless and drab are suddenly beautiful and bright. Anyhoo...this doesnt have anything to do with anything...just something I am thinking about at this moment. I was hoping that our move out of the "big city" would help in the solving of my feelings of uselessness/sadness/confusion. It hasn't really. Some things are better, but others remain unchanged. I know that finding a job would help immensly in this department and I am working on it. I applied for a job at our local K-12 school that I desperately wanted and hoped to get. But...two weeks later and no call back, to find out tonight from a friend that works at the school, that they filled the position internally since the Mill levy didn't pass. Which is fine...I'd rather someone who already works there still have a job (really). So she encouraged me to apply to be a substitute teacher since they are low on those this year. I had an interview last week for a job that I think I'd like but won't LOVE...so we will see what that brings...Im hoping my friend that applied for the same job gets it since she has 3 babies at home. So...the search continues. I was asked to help with our local dance team this year. Im super stoked about that! I will be the high school team's coach, and am starting them off with an ass beating kick routine. (2 minutes and 30 seconds of high kicks!) As I said, I am super excited to get back in the swing with dance and hopefully help the girls learn some new technique since they have been a few years without a coach with dance background. The coaches had practice tonight since all girls (3 year olds through high school) will be doing this first dance since our performance is only 4 short weeks away! eek! However kick routines are hard to do but easy to learn. It kicked my arse the first few times I did it and I choreographed the stupid thing, but is not so bad anymore. So anyways...tomorrow will be a hard core job search day for both Jason and I...I hope he's prepared!

1 comment:

  1. I really hope you find something you love soon! I miss you and think about you lots! <3
