Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I have been struggling with a deep depression.  I have been fighting it for about 3 years, but just recently I broke and wasn't able to retrieve myself from...well...myself.  I needed help.  In my last post, I tried to make light of my situation, but what I was/am going through isn't funny, and it isn't easy.  Now that I am recieving the help that I need, things are getting better.  I need to recognize that this will be a long process, and I need to be sure to practice patience with myself...because Im not going to get better over night.  Again I will say thank God for my husband, and supportive friends and family members.  

As a result of this depression, happy thoughts have been few and far between.  However, now that I am feeling a little better, I am going to post this.  (I "stole" it from a fellow blogger)

Things that make me happy

1) First and foremost- My husband.  He is amazing and has been SO super supportive through this ordeal.  If it's being woke up at 3:00AM because I'm up and crying...again....and just listening to me and comforting me. Or just making me smile when all I want to do is crawl into a hole and stay there for days.  He is my rock and I love him so much.  Words do no justice to explain the feelings I hold for this man.

2)Christ.  "Amazing love how can it be,that You, my King, should die for me?  Amazing love, I know it’s true.  It’s my joy to honor You."

3) Sunshine!  What a mood booster a little sunshine is!  With winter just finally getting over with and Spring on it's way over the mountains, we are recieving warmer days.  Though it's Spring in the Rockies and that entials rain and wind and the occasional early spring snow shower, I am warmed with thoughts of sunshine and summer on their way!  I have been taking patients outside on walks these last few weeks on sunny warmer days and they are loving it as am gives me some fresh air and some much needed afternoon energy!

4) Thoughts of the future.  While the good Lord may not be ready to give us a child yet, I know that it will happen some day.  He is just waiting for the perfect time and I have faith that it will happen some day.  Whether that child is biologically mine or not, He will provide for us.

5) Dakota.  My pupples.  I love coming home to her, she's always so happy to see me and is so excited to come and sit on my lap and give me loves.  Like the saying goes "God...please help me to become the kind of person my dog thinks I am!" haha

6) My family...They are amazing.

Thanks for Reading, Charity


  1. I had no idea you were struggling and that makes me deeply sad BUT I am so glad you are able to get help now, that is what matters! I'm always ALWAYS here for you no matter what! I love that you are posting things that make you happy! I love you so very much!

  2. I'm glad you got hope and are feeling better! I am always an ear if you need one, honey. :) I recently got over my own depression hurdle. Take care!
