Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Ok....so...haha.  This is the most painful waiting period I have ever had in my LIFE!!  I know I said I am being patient but holy moly!  It's hard to be patient when you want something so bad.  I am not the most patient person to begin with, and the waiting is driving me crazy!  Every time I say Im tired or that I don't feel well everyone around me jumps to "maybe you're pregnant!!"  As silly as it is, it gets my hopes up a little bit.  I took a pregnancy test today.  I have been super exhausted, feeling bloated, constipated (TMI I know),  my boobs hurt...I thought maybe....I didnt get over excited...but I had a little glimmer of hope...no dice.  I wasn't really super disappointed, because I knew in my heart it wasn't going to be positive.  My biological clock has become BIG BEN in the past 2 years...and now that we are acutally trying...it is clanging like crazy!!  I am praying for our miracle...praying so hard and so passionately for God to give us our baby.  This is hard...I know that 5 months isnt really very long to be trying, but it's pretty emotionally draining every time that little blue "minus" sign pops up on a stupid pee stick.  I can't wait until that "minus" sign turns into a "plus" sign and we can celebrate the beginning of our family.  I love my husband so much.  I will be so excited to have a little one running around like him.  Anyways...I am really really trying to be patient and just go with the flow...but Lord this is difficult! 

Thanks for Reading, Charity

1 comment:

  1. I won't lie to you, when you are trying it will be the time in your life when you have the least patience EVER! I know where you can get really cheap prg tests though, facebook me if you want to know, at least that way when you test too early etc it only costs like a dollar in stead of eight. I'm praying for you guys, I can't wait for you to be a mommy, you will be SO wonderful! Love you LOTS!
