Saturday, December 18, 2010


Is it just me or is Christmas not as fun as it used to be?  I love the Christmas feeling, I love lights and family and giving gifts.  But I feel like there is so much build up for Christmas and then when it gets here its just like any other day, and I kind of get disappointed.  I remember loving the heck out of the days surrounding Christmas.  Maybe it was because I had them off of school and just hung out with my family and played.  I think adults should get the week off between Christmas and New Years too!  I know we should celebrate the true reason for the season, but shouldnt we do that every day?  Why yes!  I dunno what to think...haha. 

Thanks for Reading, Charity

1 comment:

  1. Christmas is definitely a bit different now compared to when I was a kid, but it's still joyful and bright and beautiful. I've just found new ways to keep myself giddy (like surprising coworkers, sending cards, decorating with so many lights it makes the yard look like an airport), and I have simply learned to look in new places for the magic. It's all still there, you just sometimes need to get creative to find it. :)
