Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Trimester Survey....It's long...just to forewarn you!

About You
Age: 26
Occupation: CNA
Favorite Food: Carbs (unfortunately) or a good salad
 How far along are you: 12 weeks
 Is this your first pregnancy: Yes
 How many children do you want to have:  Two or Three
 Do you like being pregnant:  I am thrilled to be pregnant…but it kinda depends on the day weather or not I “like” it
Have you had any morning sickness:  mostly in the evenings.
 Any mood swings: Oh Lawdy!  My poor hubby!
 Do you feel you have a stronger sense of smell: Yes!  And working where I do…it’s not a good trait
Have you had any swelling in your hands or feet:  My feet are a tad swollen at the end of the day
Have you had any aches or pains yet: pains in my legs when I have been up on them all day.
 What is the one thing you miss about not being pregnant: ENERGY!
 What one thing makes up for it: Being Pregnant!
 Will you take maternity leave: YES!
 Favorite Maternity Outfit: None yet
 Favorite Pastime While Pregnant: Sleeping!
Have you bought anything for baby yet: Yes!
Are you excited: THRILLED!
What are you most excited for: To be able to hold my baby!

About Dad:
Name:  Jason
Age: 27
Occupation: Attorney
Relationship with you: Husband
How long have you known dad:  Almost 9 years!
 How many children does he want to have:   Two or Three
Has he bought anything for baby yet: Not by himself
Will he take any time off work to help you: Not sure
Is he excited: VERY!
 What do you think he is most excited for: To hold his baby!

 Your Pregnancy So Far...
When did you find out you were pregnant:  January
Who was with you: Jason
 Were you trying to get pregnant? If so, for how long: Yes…a little over a year
Do you have a guess when and where your baby was conceived: Yup
How far along were you when you found out: ummmm…4 weeks –ish.
 What kind of pregnancy test did you take: Pee in a cup…dip the stick in, Pee in a cup, get the little dropper and drip in onto the stick…and a blood test
How many tests did you take: All together…5
 What was your first reaction: Disbelief
What was the dads first reaction: Disbelief
Who did you first tell the good news to: My best friend!
What were your parents reactions: Super happy….my mom almost got into a car accident..oops!
 How far along were you at your first doctor appointment: 4-5 weeks
Have you heard the baby's heartbeat: Yes
Have you had any ultrasounds: Yes, I have my second one on Monday!
Will you have any 3D/4D ultrasounds:  Not sure
Have you had any complications with this pregnancy: Some bleeding/spotting and cramping…but everything was ok
Are you high risk: No
Girl or Boy: Don’t know yet!
Have you picked out any names yet? If so, what are they: Yes, and not telling!  I don’t want other people’s opinions sway my choices on how much I like a name…
Any food cravings yet: ugh…yes
What has been the strangest craving you've had: Nothing really strange yet
What is something you eat almost every day:  Milk
Do you have any pregnant friends: Yeah, there’s lots of us preggers right now!
Have you felt any movement yet: Not yet
 Do you or dad ever talk to baby: Yes
When did you really first start to show: Not showing yet…prolly won’t for awhile
Have any stretch marks: Already had em baby!
How well have you been sleeping? Any strange dreams: Not so well…YES!!  SO WEIRD!   
Have you had any braxton-hicks contractions yet: Nope
Has dad made any midnight runs for you yet? If so, what for: Not MIDNIGHT runs…but last night we went to the store for Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies….and a pepsi.
Any baby shower plans: Not yet…hoping to though!
Have you registered any where: Not yet
What was the first thing bought for baby: A couple outfits and some shoesies.
Are you going to take any birthing classes: Yes
Are you reading any pregnancy, baby, childcare books: Yes…4 of the dang things!
Has anyone said anything unusual to you since you've been pregnant: Not really…
 What is the best part about being pregnant: BEING PREGNANT!
What is the worst part: Being so dang tired all the time!
What are you most nervous about: Delivery
When is your next doctor appointment: Next Wednesday
Birth Plans...
At home or at a hospital: Hospital
Vaginal or C-Section: Vaginal…hopefully
 Natural or Medicated: Gonna try it Natural, but I’m not going in with any set plans!
Will you be induced: Only if it’s necessary
 Who will be in the delivery room with you: Jason
Are you going to have a "doula”: I don’t know…probably not
 What couple of things will you be sure to have with you: Toothbrush, and Hairbrush!
 What do you think will annoy you during delivery: Waiting!
 Are you going to take pictures or videotape: Maybe Pictures
 Will dad cut the cord: Yep!
What is your opinion on circumcision: FOR IT!!  Too hard to keep clean other wise…and boys are messy.
Will any relatives come in from out of town: Not sure.
 Are you scared: A little
When the baby is here:
What is baby's coming home outfit: Who knows
Will you come home as soon as you can: Who knows!
What is the best thing about being in the hospital: Never been in the hospital…so I dunno!
 What is the worst thing about being in the hospital: See above
What is the best thing about coming home: Being at home!
 What is the nursery's theme: Western
 What is your favorite thing in the nursery: Don’t have a lot of stuff yet
Will you breastfeed or formula feed: Breastfeed if I can
 Will you co-sleep:No
 Will you cloth diaper: No
What can't you wait for most:  Snuggling my little bundle!

In Strength, Love & Faith, Thanks for Reading, Charity

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