Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What have you been up to?

Hello!  I have had a severe case of writer's block lately, so with the exception of the weekly updates on swollen ankles and a complete and total lack of bowel movements...I have remained quiet...on here anyways.  (I'm sure you're thinking, "Thank God...since she just mentioned bowel movements in her first sentence!"...and now the second, HA!)So...here's an update on what's been going on in our life, in case you are DYING to know (and I know you are).

Well...things are going pretty well right now...Not working...but who's gonna hire someone who could go into labor at any minute, and then need 6 weeks (at least) off to care for her newborn?  I wouldn't, so why should I expect someone else to? Right?  So, for now we are just getting things ready for baby's arrival.  Washing clothing/bedding/toys/etc., Putting together the pack-n-play, rocking chair and stroller, organizing the diapers we have already received into bags by size, and making the baby's bedding.  That and scrubbing my entire kitchen floor with a small brush and Magic Eraser, making my poor, sweet husband move all our furniture and area rugs so I can clean under them (even though this was just done not long ago), Madly scraping the "information" stickers off of our new windows with a razor blade, cleaning the kitchen cabinets...again, thinking to myself that "the potted tree in the corner looks a little crooked...maybe I should re-pot it", and cleaning the dust out of the corners of the television with a Q-tip, because the rag I am using just won't quite get in there to get alllll the dust out. Ya know...normal, every day, things that every sane person does. At least I haven't started scrubbing the toilets with that spare toothbrush....yet. 

My auntie threw me a baby shower a couple of weeks ago.  It was fun, hot, but fun, and we received a lot of the stuff we need for the first few months of baby's wonderful life.  We are so blessed to have so many generous friends and family members, thanks to whom we won't have to buy Hogan clothes until he's 25...as long as he stays within the 18 month size range anyways....  We played stupid games (the kind that everyone dreads playing when going to baby showers...but not the "guess the candy poop game"...I put my foot down there, haha). Guests filled out advice cards for me for taking care of baby.  And we munched on fruit dipped in chocolate and a yummy strawberry cake.  OH! And Margaritas..."I'll take mine virgin, please!".

We have been doing some swimming, which feels AMAZING...both for my poor hips/back, and because it's hotter than a billy goat in a pepper patch! (what?) We have also just been sitting around in the air conditioning watching the Olympics and eating popsicles.   I have been trying to alleviate some of the muscle cramps and aches and pains by doing some stretching and Yoga, it helps a little, but not much, or if it is helping, I don't want to feel what it's like when I'm not doing them, haha.  I scheduled a prenatal massage for Thursday, so that should help.  (There is a dude in the nearby city that does prenatal massage for $30 for an hour and a half!  He does it to pay homage to his sweet wife after he saw how miserable and uncomfortable she was during pregnancy. Awww.)

Other than this...life has been pretty uneventful.  Just waiting for this sweet little babe to come into this world.  I CANNOT WAIT to meet him and snuggle and kiss him.  Only 5 more weeks until my due date and they can't go by fast enough! 

I hope that this finds you all doing well and staying cool.  Take care.  Until next time...


In Strength, Love & Faith, Thanks for Reading, Charity

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